In this moving comedic drama set in postwar Rome, a working-class woman dreams of a better future for herself and her daughter while facing abuse at the hands of her domineering husband. When a mysterious letter arrives, she discovers the courage to change the circumstances of her life. An Italian box office phenomenon and winner of six Italian Academy Awards.
The Newcastle Film Society (NFS) has been operating for over 40 years and is one of the longest running Film Societies in Australia.
The Film Society screens 35 films a season consisting of art house, indie films, documentaries and various foreign films.
Films are screened on a Sunday night at Event Cinemas located at Westfield Kotara in the Vmax Theatre at 7 pm. The Newcastle Film Society has had a long-standing association and support from Event Cinemas for over 35 years.
Annual membership for 2025 is $95 which entitles you to the following benefits: